Max the chi got a ride home!

UPDATE 4/30. Late today Max the Chi got a ride home! In fact the Captain Care volunteer picked up the mom, brought her to the shelter, they bailed out Max, and then mom and Max got a ride home. We really CARE at Captain Care. Max is one and a half years, not 8 months old. And he could not stop kissing his mom. It was a sweet reunion! The total bill was 372, owner paid 60 , and Captain Care paid 312. We received  235.

MAX THE PUPPY NEEDS TO GO HOME NOW. This tiny 8 month old guy sneaked out when the visiting mom-in-law opened the door. This low-income family has a new baby and has been able to come up with only $60 to bail out Max. Unfortunately the fines and fees are now up to $396: vaccinations, neuter, license, impound, several days at the shelter. So we need to raise $336 to bail out this poor puppy. #‎A4820084 at the Carson Shelter in Gardena, CA. PayPal is One dog at a time, intervention saves lives. Max is loved by his family, but they are not able to pay these fines and fees. Let’s help them out.

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